Hiya to everyone, well ive got to admit ive been a little unfocused since the brits..It was my first experience of this one off race and iam not sure what it tries to do!
You can slog away all season and win the nationals then someone comes along wins one race and can call themself British Champion and gets the glory..?
We ended up fourth in the team points but if Jake Ferguson hadnt been robbed by the worst ruling ever and Warren hadn't lost the front..ah well. Thats BMX.
I know iam going to give the masters a run for there money next season.
Actually now is a time to reflect on what you want to achieve for next year. Do you want to get better technique? Faster starts? more power? Whats your overall goal? To be British Champion, national Champion? world champion? You need to have a goal!! Any sucessful athlete has a goal and a plan.
All of YOU are capable of being Champions. Thats why you are sponsored. Iam going to repeat this time and time again.. "dont beat yourself before you get to the startline" your all winners. Just start believing it.
These next few months is where the work begins. Keep your GOALS in mind to keep you motivated.
Iam going to keep you updated on winter training with some excercises programs etc..Winter is the time to put in the hard work. Its when you can train with weights and body resistance excercises to build up the core strength. I will post some plans soon.
Try and do a bunch of other stuff. Go swimming do some park riding.Just keep it fresh on your bike. Just have fun as always.
Iam going to be riding skateparks again. I ride my roadbike to keep the mileage in my legs.
On the sponsorship front things are moving along with pace..We should be able to make an announcement soon. Its going to mean everyone going that extra 10% with us next year (meaning its now 110%) things will step up a gear. Both in appearance of the team and whats expected.
Its exciting times to be part of the number one team.
see ya all soon Mike
ps, i will leave you with this quote.
"If we did all the things that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
Thomas Edison
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